Scientific name: Tapinella panuoides (Batsch) E.-J. Gilbert
Derivation of name:
Synonyms: Paxillus panuoides (Fr.) Fr.
Agaricus panuoides Fr.
Common name(s): Stalkless Paxillus.
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Order: Boletales
Family: Tapinellaceae
Occurrence on wood substrate: Saprobic; scattered or in
clusters on conifer logs, stumps, and timbers in
service (e.g., fenceposts); May
through November.
Dimensions: Caps 2.5-10 cm wide.
Cap: Olive-yellow to yellow-brown to orangish-brown; dry;
downy to smooth;
margin incurved when young, becoming thin,
uplifted, and wavy
at maturity.
Gills: Yellowish; radiating from point of attachment; sometimes
forked, with cross veins, often wavy and corrugated near base
but sometimes
straight; easily separated from cap.
Spore print:Yellowish to yellowish-brown.
Stipe: Absent (sometimes as short, lateral, stubby structure).
Veil: Absent.
Comments: Tapinella corrugata (Paxillus corrugatus) is
similar to this
species. The gills often differ in color but the
potential exists for confusion. See Figures 5 and 6 and
consult Bessette, Mushrooms of Northeastern North
America for additional
information. Microscopic analysis of
spore size may be required
to provide certainty of
More information at

Figure 1.
Grouping of Tapinella panuoides specimens on
woody conifer
Photo © William Roody.

Figure 2. Close-up of the specimen in Figure 1. Note the
wavy or corrugated gills particularly near the point
of attachment. Photo © William Roody.

Figure 3. Overlapping caps of Tapinella panuoides.
Photo © Steve Nelsen.

Figure 4. Additional specimen of stalkless Paxillus.
Photo © Steve Nelsen.

Figure 5. Tapinella corrugata. Photo © Steve Nelsen.

6. Tapinella corrugata. The gill color
of this
species is described as more orange-yellow than the
gills of T. panuoides.
Photo © Steve Nelsen.